Welcome to Gunnison Copper, one of the most environmentally friendly copper extraction projects under development in the world today. Located in rural southeastern Arizona between the cities of Benson and Willcox, the copper resource is scheduled to be extracted via in-situ recovery (ISR), a proven technology that ensures the protection of local groundwater. During the extraction process, water is continually recycled via a closed loop system, making the operation an overall low water consumer. Beginning in 2020 and spanning a 24-year mine life, Gunnison Copper is projected to produce more than two-billion pounds of copper and add more US$2.94 billion to Arizona’s Gross State Product, while operating with little to no noise, dust or emissions.
Learn the facts about in-situ copper recovery. Learn the facts about Today’s Green Mining.
See our disclaimer for important additional information on the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical information associated with the Gunnison Project and the Technical Report for the Gunnison Project.